Mar 17, 2010

Swimming @ Bishan Loft

We continued the swimming session for Dan Dan after came back from Malacca by visitting to godma house on the 4th day of CNY. Daddy and Mummy were still on holiday leave so without having any special event, we pay a visit to godpa and godma... and how can we not going....they are my Dan Dan's beloved godpa and godma wor...must get Dan Dan to go "pai nian" with 2 oranges ma. heehee...

This time, godpa initialled to bring Dan Dan for the swim and of course we were happy about it because most of the time, godpa was busy with works and Dan Dan seldom has this kind of opportunity to even see godpa, what's more, this time, it was a swim together with off they have the wonderful evening swim....

Look at the kids nowadays, even know how to enjoyed and relaxed in such early age.

Dan was totally beated after the long swim and we had our dinner with godpa and godma before going back home. Thank you for godpa and godma for the good companionship. Dan Dan had a real good time with godpa in the swimming pool.