May 18, 2011

Start of Chinese Lesson --- Words Recognition

I started to introduce Chinese Lesson about 2 months back to Dan when we have yet to move house. All started with receive of the below series of chinese books 四五快读. It consists of total 7 books. The first 30 pages of the first book explain to parents the effective methods of learning Chinese. It is very importance to read through all pages if you wish to use the series for effective learning.

There is also a session explain the best ways to let your child remember what they have learned and introduce different type of games for the parents to play with your kids to further assist them in remember those words.

The best about the series is that it does not only teach the individual words, children can start learning forming simple sentances after each lesson...and continue with even longer sentances in the next level of books. Below show the result reap after a week of using the book, Level 1 - We have so far at Chapter 3... (Chapter 1 = 16 Words), (Chapter 2 = 8 Words), (Chapter 3 =8 Words), the progress of learning is going a bit slow nowadays as mummy is real busy with house moving....We shall continue soon to affect his momentum of learning...