Danzel is 3... in fact was 3 about 2 months back :) We had simple celebration this year because of his birthday weekend was bump with the date of us shifting into new house.
Officially, we shifted into the new house on 3/7/2011 (Sunday), we had all our stuffs moved in bit by bit before 3/7/11 and only officially move in and sleep on 3/7/11.
Everybody was around to cheer the special day. Uncle Cheong was saying it is good to have more people to cheer up the new place before moving in.. After lunch, we proceed to purchase a simple cake for Dan to celebrate it along with the moving in date..
We didnt prepare anything this time, do you find it familiar with all the decorative stuffs...yes, it was used during Dan's baby full month...haha not quite bad ...at least it helps to create some party feel for Dan...