It was a one of my home learning material that I made in August, 2009 when Dan Dan was about 13 mths old. It was quite a details work whereby it involved sourcing, printing, cutting, laminating and lastly glueing + cushioning. It took me about 1 - 2 weeks to complete the Letter A - Z after I had gathered all the materials that needed.
It is a LONG & COLOURFUL tutu train when lining it up from A - Z. *SMILE* When the train was first introduced to Dan, he was not appreciated it at all. He probably just took it as another colourful toy for him whereby he drooled and chewed on it without knowing his mummy spent so much work and time (Already dont have so much time left for a day after being a mother) on this little learning material, quite heartpain lei :(
Therefore, in order not to let him detroy the hardwork further, I just occassionally showed it to him every now and then until RECENTLY, he finally show some interest and appreciation on them by simply puzzle at it while the mouth murmuring the letters as well as it phonics sound- (He learned his phonics from the Audio (Early Phonics with Ms Jenny, Leapfrog Letters and Lessons DVDs, Fridge Phonics Magnetic Alphabet and his phonics School Bus) as well as phonics learning website. However, in order not to lose his interest in the complicated game (TO HIM OF COURSE), I will just give him 5 letters at one time, to show,tell, read to him and to make him love the game even more, some silly Alphabet Games will be played and sung to him. This is one of the many activities that I will do it for him at night, after his dinner and shower. It probably just need a berely 10-15 min but believe me, it definately benefit and does wonder to the child. Beside, it create strong bond through the activities too.
Below is 1000 and 1 activitie that I had done with Dan Dan since he was 1 year old. Simple and yet beneficial activities that we have done it until today and in fact we have too many photos and activities to be listed all out. The photos below are just to show the basic idea on how I presented it to Dan Dan in my own methodology on cultivating earling learning to him. Some basic elements that I have cover in the home learning activities:- Alphabet, Numbers, Colours, Shapes, Counting, Sizes, Sequences to the games involve safety at home & school, on the road,supermarket and the list goes on...
A lot of people always thought that most of the time Dan Dan is doing only his outdoor activities beside attending childcare from Mon-Friday. In fact it is not true, he was mostly at home except for Saturday night (Dinner + some shopping) and Sunday (Nature Exposures) whereby I think it is good and in a way to expose and let him break free from the daily confine- childcare and home.
His normal routines are as follow:-
Monday- Friday
(Except for Tuesday, dinner with uncle cheong & gugu)
8am-7pm (ChildCare Center)
7pm-8pm (Dinner + Shower)
8pm-830pm (Home Learning)
830pm-9pm (Internet Site Learning)
9pm-930pm (His Library Corner)
930pm onward will be ready to zzzz
(Most of the day and time, TV is NOT turn-on)
830am-10am (Breakfast + Marketing)
10am-12pm (Educational Programmes + DVDs)
Selective programmes, mummy is very
particular on Screen Images for him, hee hee
12pm-1pm (Lunch)
100pm-130pm (His Library Corner)
130pm-3pm (Afternoon Nap)
3pm-6pm (Art n Crafts-Drawings,Paintings and so on + Free Play)
6pm onward (Dinner with Uncle Cheong and Gugu)
Out for Fresh Air!!
Senses: Smell & Taste it!!