We did a simple activity about Singapore sometime back. I have learned that Dan is singing and pledging every morning in the CCC therefore to add on to what the teachers thought him at school, i created this theme. I printed out the Sg Flag, The Mascot of Sg, The National Flower of Sg, The National Anthem, Pledge. Some of the printed out is not here.
I had described the flag, the color, the no of star and moon, we talked about Merlion and showed him the photos that we took with the merlion and so on...
After all the talking part, we started to make the flag as i said to him that we will make flags and mummy will make one and Dan will make one.... so here we started with the assignment that given...
The last part is to get him sing the National Anthem together with mummy.....here you go...although he is still lacking behind on the lyrics part but it is always good to start at the early age....